Under Horizontal, change the Position setting to a numeric distance from the margin by typing a number.įor example, if you want your delivery address to be positioned 1 inch to the right of the left margin, type 1.0" in the Horizontal Position box. To make the change permanent for all new documents, click to select the Add To Template check box. In the Style box, select Envelope Address (or Envelope Return). To do this, follow the steps for your version of Word. To make a permanent change to the Envelope Return or Envelope Address positions, you must modify the Envelope Return or Envelope Address style. If you change the setting of From Left or From Top to a specific value, Word overrides its built-in attributes and the default Envelope Return or Envelope Address styles and uses the settings that you specified for the current envelope only. NOTE: When the From Top or From Left setting is set to Auto, Word uses its built-in envelope attributes (these built-in attributes cannot be changed). In the Envelope Options dialog box, if you want to change to the current envelope's Return Address or Delivery Address position, you can change the setting of From Left and/or From Top. The From Left and From Top options are provided to allow a one-time change to the default envelope settings as defined by the built-in envelope attributes of Word and in the Envelope Address and Envelope Return styles.

To locate the From Left and From Top settings for Microsoft Word 2002 and for Microsoft Office Word 2003, point to Letters and Mailings on the Tools menu, click Envelopes and Labels, click the Envelopes tab, and then click Options Symptoms To locate the From Left and From Top settings for Microsoft Word 2000, click Envelopes And Labels on the Tools menu, select the Envelopes tab, and then click Options. If you modify the envelope Delivery Address or Return Address position by changing the From Left or From Top settings in the Envelope Options dialog box, the change you make is not retained between documents.